How “So What?” Can Help Guarantee Success

I was inspired by my Twitter friend Michelle, to think about a question I ask myself that helps me focus and prioritize.  I came to realize that it is the most common question I ask myself: “So what?” Now I don’t mean, “Who Cares?”, I mean WHY would someone care?  Why is that thought, answer, feature, benefit- important? So what? keeps away the BS.  If I think I have a great business idea, I think, “So what?” It helps me focus on who it will help, do they need it, and more importantly, do they want it?

If I am preparing a presentation, I picture a little person on my shoulder that asks, “So what?” after everything I say. This keeps me focused on benefits not features. It helps me remember that you are never selling vacuum cleaners, you are selling a clean house.  It keeps beasts like The Best and The Greatest at bay.

So what? is also a great filter for the data you get bombarded with on a daily basis. If it gets through my So what? filter, it deserves my attention.

So what? can be a big help in prioritizing your projects and tasks.  The biggest So whats are usually your most important projects.  Need help prioritizing tasks?  Ask yourself, “So what if this doesn’t get done?”  The critical things will become clear pretty quick.

Want to reduce your stress?  The next time you are stressing over a detail, or arguing with someone, try So what. WARNING: When arguing, don’t SAY, “So what?”  just think it.

So what can save you a ton of time.  It can improve your presentation skills, your sales, your stress level and most of your life.  If you don’t agree with me, then well, you know …