Want To Be More Lucky?

Luck is a funny thing. A lot of people wish they were more lucky in their business. Some wish they were as lucky as others they see online, or in their networking group.

I read this book to my children, called  Zen Shorts (affiliate link). It’s a great book with fables that teach some nice lessons that usually spark even better conversations. There is one that we all that I’ll share with you here. Don’t worry, the book is called Zen Shorts :)

The Farmer’s luck

When a farmer’s horse ran away, upon hearing the news his neighbors came to visit and offer their sympathy. “Suck bad luck” they all said. “Maybe” replied the farmer.

The next day, the horse returned with 2 wild horses. Again his neighbors visited. “Such good luck!” they exclaimed. “Maybe.” replied the farmer.

The next day when the farmer’s son was trying to ride one of the wild horses, he was thrown off and broke his leg. Again his neighbors visited to offer their sympathy. “Such bad luck!” they all said. “Maybe.” the farmer replied.

The following day, Army officials came through the village to draft young men to go off and fight in a war. Upon seeing the son’s leg, they passed him over.

“Such good luck!” the farmer’s neighbors cried. “Maybe.” the farmer replied.

I love this story because illustrates how whether things are lucky or unlucky are a matter of perspective. I try to be more like the farmer in that story and stop wasting energy on how lucky or unlucky I am, just accepting things as they are.

I think the ability to deal with life’s surprises (good and bad) in an even-handed way is very important to a business owner. Don’t get me wrong. We are not robots. Bad things will upset us and we should always celebrate success. The trick is to never let either emotion get too intense or last too long.

Celebrate too long, and you will likely get sloppy and let another great opportunity pass you by. Sinking too low or getting too upset about a deal gone wrong, a client who takes advantage or an invoice that isn’t paid, can easily impact other projects and opportunities.

How To be Lucky

Someone said good luck is simply when preparation meets opportunity. This is exactly how I look at it. When you are prepared and on top of your game, you see opportunities and have the confidence to go after them. It’s simple but not easy. It takes work. It takes hustle.

So do the work. Other people will tell you how lucky you are to land that client, get that speaking opportunity, meet that mentor, or hire that key employee.

You’ll just smile, and say, “Maybe.”

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