I’m Taking A Mulligan For 2009

Teeing OffI’m taking a mulligan for 2009.  In golf, a mulligan is when you hit the ball poorly, into the woods or a lake, or five feet in front of you, and you want a do over. I know a lot about mulligans.  I was inspired by CC Chapman, who had a bad week, and called a mulligan. If you haven’t heard CC Chapman’s podcast Managing the Gray, you should really check it out.  Anyway, I thought this was a fantastic idea.  I want to take it a few steps farther though, and call a mulligan for all of 2009.

Like a lot of people, 2009 was a particularly hard year for me.  Now A LOT of people had it far worse than I did, and don’t worry, I’m not going to go off on a poor me, this is why my year sucked rant.  Let’s just say it was hard, I didn’t enjoy it, and move on.  It’s that last part I want to emphasize.  The “move on” part.

What makes a do over even better than another turn, is that the do over gives you a chance to erase the bad stuff.  I’m lucky in that I’m usually not one to wallow.  When I see or feel something I don’t like, I have this pathological need to change it.  So for the most part, 2009 sucked.  I’m taking a mulligan.  You won’t hear me talking about how awesome 2010 is going to be, or how I’m going to make this the best year ever!

A mulligan doesn’t make your next shot great, it just gives you a chance to.  No promises of future success, or delusions of finally reaching the top of the hill and it’s all down hill from here.  Let’s be real.  Let’s just say that I’m going to leave yesterday where it belongs and focus on today and tomorrow.  I’m making a plan, and taking specific steps to change things for the better. If you’ve had a hard time lately, why not join me?  It’s easy.  Just tee it up again and let ‘er rip.

11 replies
  1. cc_chapman says:

    Glad to see you took what I said and expanded on it. Taking a mulligan doesn't make it any easier, but it gives you a mental fresh start when you might need one.

    Hoping that 2010 is nothing but great for you!

  2. cc_chapman says:

    Glad to see you took what I said and expanded on it. Taking a mulligan doesn't make it any easier, but it gives you a mental fresh start when you might need one.

    Hoping that 2010 is nothing but great for you!

  3. Lindsay says:

    I'm sure you'll have a great 2010! It's good to see you still working on the podcasts and your blog. I had some other goals for 2009 so my business aspirations took second seat (okay, the trunk), but I'm hoping to kickstart things in 2010 too. Good luck!

  4. Astamand3 says:

    What if your Mulligan is worse than your orginal shot do you have to take the mulligan or can you savce it for the next hole?

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