Being Interviewed By Sterling & Jay, From Internet Business Mastery- Talk About Your Business To Stay Motivated

I just finished being interviewed by Sterling and Jay, from Internet Business Mastery. I learned so much about internet marketing from their podcast, that I decided to take their course a while back. They wanted to interview some former students to see what they were up to, and I was very happy to tell them that I was able to take the techniques they taught, and create some business opportunities.

I have some websites (besides this one) that are starting to generate some passive income, and I have been able to take what I have learned from them and others, to make me a much better consultant. I found it very motivating to speak with them. Besides the fact that they are friendly, and knowledgeable mentors, talking about internet business with them really got me excited about some of the things I am doing.  It is so important to find some people you can talk to about your business- whatever it is.  Not people you are trying to gain as customers, or close friends or relatives, but a group of people you get together with, just to talk business.

Mastermind Groups and Networking Organizations are great places to meet people you can do this with. Find a networking group or on-line community where you can participate in the exchange of ideas. Besides the obvious business benefits, you would be surprised how nice the social nature of these things are. With the new business, and family responsibilities, how often do you get to talk to other adults about adult things? If you are like me, not often! I really look forward to my business lunches these days.

So thanks to Sterling & Jay, for teaching me so much, and giving me the opportunity to talk to their audience. I hope I can motivate some of them to take action. Remember what Bruce Lee taught us, “There is no try, only do or not do.” So DO!

How do you steal a little adult time, and find people you can talk to about your business?

6 replies
  1. Sterling says:

    First off, thanks for the mention! We really enjoyed having you on the show, which will be going up later this week!

    I have kids myself and one way I steal a little adult time is I have started a Mastermind Group. There are about 8 of us full time internet business owners and we get together every two weeks and talk about business and even just about stuff going on in our lives! I am also in two national mastermind groups.

    I also go out on Friday afternoon and go see a movie nearly every week, just to get out of the office!


  2. Chris says:

    I totally agree with getting together with like minded business people! I like getting different perspectives on the projects that I am working on. Usually during my get-togethers, I get an idea on how I can improve my projects. I am also able to see how others run their businesses in a very safe and comfortable environment.

    Great Blog – Keep them coming!


  3. Startup Daddy says:

    @ Sterling,
    I love the idea of doing something like that on Friday afternoons. With a business to run and family responsibilities at home, it’s easy to fall into a situation where you have no mental down time. It’s important to take a few hours each week to unplug, and going to a movie is a great way to do that. No cell phone, no email or blackberry, and if you’re lucky, you actually get lost in a story for a couple hours. I am going to give it a try myself this Friday. Of course, with a 7 week old at home, I will probably fall asleep!

  4. Startup Daddy says:

    @ Chris
    Great point about “safe and comfortable environment.” When you join a Mastermind Group, the members may be in the same industry (like in Sterling’s case, internet business owners) but they are almost always in non-competing businesses. This lets you talk freely and give and get help without fear.

  5. megan says:

    Hi Ian – I found your blog from listening to the recent IBM podcast. All the stories were inspiring but yours was the one that grabbed me. Why? I definitely don’t fit into your targeted niche (my kids are grown and now have babies of their own.) It is because I am overwhelmed & lost when it comes to all the paperwork etc needed to get things set up to make my beginning ventures into a “real” business.

    I have been a freelance Coldfusion Programmer / Web Developer/Designer for quite a while but a few months ago I realized I was burned out. About that time I saw Robert Kiyosaki on PBS and had a second realization I owned a job that owned me – if I am not continually churning out code I have no income. So then I started thinking about what I could do to change things (frankly I was tired) so bit by bit I have put together a good plan for me, BUT I hit a wall when it came to putting my legal and paperwork ducks in a row, all those things I need to do to actually start a business and I am hoping your blog and videos will teach me step by step, be my “virtual mentor” so to speak when it comes to this side of things.

    Best of Luck, Megan

    PS – I absolutely LOVE your logo/branding image in the header – it’s the perfect visual metaphor

  6. morty says:

    good to see you are getting some feed back. way to go!
    Is there something you can do to help Megan (and make some money?)

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