Thank You
As today is Thanksgiving in the United States, I wanted to drop you
a quick note to say thanks. There are people on this newsletter
from all over the world, but it’s a great excuse. So Thank You!
Thank you for taking the time to read or listen to what I have to
say. Thank you for your attention.
Even though I’m living in Canada now, I still take today to cook up
a huge meal for my family and give thanks for the things I am so
fortunate to enjoy. I originally launched the Startup Daddy
podcast because I wanted to explore the medium of podcasting, and I
wanted to help people start their own business. I have worked for
myself for most of my life, and I wanted to help as many people as
I could do the same.
Being self employed provides a lot of freedom. It gives us choices
and power over our own destinies that a lot of people don’t enjoy.
It also gives us a lot of pressure and sleepless nights.
So if you’re an American friend, Happy Thanksgiving! I hope you
get to spend the day surrounded by the people you love and get to
eat too much amazing food.
If you live elsewhere, just know I appreciate you being here. I
want to thank the many of you who have reached out to ask me a
question or let me know I’ve helped you in some way. I have not
been very active with this project recently but I have some fun
plans to help you in 2013. So stay tuned.